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Maptitude and eXPD8 Analytics

What is Maptitude? Maptitude is a mapping program made by Caliper and it’s something we use a lot here at eXPD8 Analytics. In March, I went on a two-day course to update our team’s knowledge of the program. The course was brilliant. It was really interesting to see the different of companies which use Maptitude … Continued

The benefits of an automated stock replenishment system

Improving your product replenishment system delivers results fast and usually faster than CAPEX hungry development projects requiring multiple parties or modern technology. The more SKUs (Stock Keeping Units) in the range, the bigger the benefit from getting the inventory replenishment process right. Typically, if a business carries a large range of products, the benefits become … Continued

5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Office Environment

5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Office Environment eXPD8 Analytics have now been in our new office for 4 months in the heart of Bristol and there have been many discussions about what maintains a healthy office environment. As we spend at least half of our waking hours at work, it’s very important to ensure … Continued

All you need to know about our consultancy service

We provide organisations with a professional outsourcing option for data analysis and bespoke development requirements. Talk to us and we will listen. Here at eXPD8 Analytics we don’t just point at software or dance around your question chanting jargon, we listen and understand the underlying issues. Whether you are experiencing a one off problem with … Continued